Tuesday, September 9, 2008

El mardito marbete

I had to renew the inspection sticker known as el marbete for my car last month. My license has to be renewed each year. YOu also have to get a compulsory insurance for your car @ a cost of $99. I got a full cover for my Subaru so that is covered but because I got the old license from the dealer I had to get a new one and pay for the insurance and marbete and then get reimbursed. Got it ? I didn't either. Lemme just list all the things I had to do to get my marbete:
1-Inspect the car (about 45 mins, $11)
2-Go to the insurance company to get a document so I wouldn't have to pay the $99 insurance. Couldn't get the document 'cus I have an xpired license from the dealer.
3-Go to Banco Popular to try to get the marbete. Couldn't get the marbete there.
4-Go to a Texaco to get the marbete 'cus the Banco Popular folks told me I could get it there. Couldn't get it there. Was told to go to the place I had the car inspected.
5-Went to the original garage. Couldn't get it there and the inspector dude told me he didn't keep copies of my license which is BULLSHIT ! I know he did 'cus I gave him the 4 original copies.
6-Go to the Colecturia in Fajardo to get the marbete. Couldn't get it 'cus I had to get the new license i the Obras Publicas office.
7-Go to the casita amarilla to get a photo copy of my driver's license.
8-Back to Obras Publicas, GOT A NEW LICENSE FOR FREE !!!
9-Back to the Colecturia to pay for the marbete, pay $185 and GOT MY MARBETE !!!

All this took one week.

I drove without the thing for 9 days. The fine is pretty nasty; $500, the cop takes your tag and the car is towed away @ your expense.

Bottom line, if they had automated systems in PR one wouldn't have to do all these hoop jumping. This of course would mean efficiency and a smaller government payroll. This of course is a problem in a colony where @ least 60% of the labor force works for the government. Most of those jobs are political appointments which translate into votes for the same politicians who appoint them. Understand now ? That's why it takes almost 2 weeks to get a stupid sticker for your car.

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