Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Rata, Raton !

Hemos estado en Puerto Rico desde el 25 de Agosto. Decidimos quedarnos par de dias extra porque la 1ra semana estuvimos comprando los materiales para la renovacion del baño del apto de playa. Nuestra vecina Norma descubrió que tiene rataS en su apto. Ayer ella y su hija formaron tremenda griteria y cuando entre a su casa a averiguar lo que pasaba vi la cola de una rata enorme que se escondia detras de unos gabinetes. Esta mañana como a las 6AM toco nuestra puerta. Encontramos a esta ratita muerta al lado de su refrigerador. No se, pero me parece que hay mas animalitos...

We've been vacationing in Puerto Rico since the 25th of last month. We stayed a few extra days to enjoy our visit. The 1st week we spent most of the time buying materials for the bathroom which will be done soon. Our neighbor Norma has rats in her apartment. Yesterday she and her daughter started screaming and when I rushed into her apt I saw the tail of a huge rat hiding behind some cabinets. This morning @ 6Am she knocked on our door. One of the traps her husband had set up had caught a rat. This one is smaller than the one I saw. I think she has more critters...

Is it wrong to NOT go back to work ever ? We don't wanna leave P.R.

1 comment:

XaBo said...

bueno con papas fritas y katshup...nada mal. ahhh!!! y un par de medallas friiitas!!!
